Deploying Autodesk Maya 2019

Autodesk, unfortunately, does not provide an installer package (pkg) file that can be easily deployed throughout the fleet. Instead, they have an app installer that can be run silently with a few commands.

Start by creating a pkg installer that will drop in the Install Maya and a few other files in specific places.

The package will install the app and all components using the Install Maya through the setup binary. This will allow it to run silently without an installer GUI. Be sure to drop the license/config files in the Application Support folder.

License Files

There are three files required for the network volume licensing deployment. All files should be available at:

/Library/Application\ Support/Autodesk/CLM/LGS/657K1_2019.0.0.F/

• nw.cfg contents:


LICPATH.lic contents:

SERVER license.server.pri 000000000000

nw.cfg contents:

Post Install Script

Include a postinstall script to run the setup in quiet mode, launch the app when the install completes, and remove the copied installer items.


# autodesk silent install
/private/tmp/5417A5F2-C1AD-11EA-B3DE-0242AC130004/Install\ Maya\ --noui --serial_number=XX-XXXXX --product_key=XXXXX --license_type=kNetwork --server_name=license.server.pri

# open
/usr/bin/open /Applications/Autodesk/maya2019/

# cleanup
/bin/rm -rf /private/tmp/5417A5F2-C1AD-11EA-B3DE-0242AC130004

exit 0